Sunrise or Sunset? Which is better when it comes to taking family photos?

So, you’re thinking about getting some family portraits taken to preserve some beautiful memories for years to come. You have a location in mind, but you are trying to determine which time of day is best to capture these moments. While you could book a sunrise shoot, this requires getting the family up early. And while you could book a sunset family photography shoot, you know you have a limited time to take the photos. 

With so many thoughts swirling around your mind, I know it can be difficult to make a decision. As a family photographer based in Melbourne, I have embarked on this process many times and am happy to guide you in the right direction. Some pros for choosing each time of day include: 

Taking family photographs at sunrise 

Fewer People 

While Melbourne has some gorgeous sunrises, many people don’t have the time to get to a beach, park or scenic location to view them. This means that you are likely to have a private family photoshoot, no matter where you choose to capture your special moments. Not only this, but it will also give you and your family the comfort and privacy you need to just be yourselves. 

Golden Lighting 

As the sun rises on the east, a family photo shoot taken at the crack of dawn is likely to create gorgeous hues on the skin. While these hues still occur during sunsets, they are much less frequent and rely heavily on choosing the right day, which is all up to chance. 

Taking family photographs at sunset 

No early mornings, no bad moods 

As a family photographer, I know that kids can be challenging to work with at the best of times. So, they must arrive at a photoshoot feeling excited and happy. If your kids aren’t morning people, waking them up before the sun rises, then hurrying them off to your photoshoot location can inspire some bad moods. 

Choosing a sunset photoshoot allows you to get them out when they are already awake, meaning they won’t feel angered by having their sleep interrupted. 

It also means they are likely to participate more during their family photoshoot and will be more willing to react positively to any prompts. 

More colourful photos 

If colour is what you are looking for, then sunset is how you will achieve it. While your time is more limited throughout Melbourne as we cannot see the western horizon, choosing the right location can still create vibrance and energy like no other. 

Where sunrises are perfect for creating soft golden light, sunsets can incorporate a beautiful array of oranges, pinks, blues and purples in your images. These hues simply cannot be achieved with photoshop.

As a family photographer based in Melbourne, I am always happy to provide recommendations so you can acquire the family photos you have always dreamt of. Visit the contact us page on my website to schedule a call with me TODAY.

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